501 | Edilsider 2865(1)
501 | Edilsider 4166(1)
501 | Edilsider 3787(1)
501 | Edilsider 3893(1)
501 | Edilsider 3953(1)
501 | IMG 0285 3
501 | 501 head 06
501 | 501 photo 14
501 | 501 head 02
501 | 501 head 03
501 | 501 head 04
501 | 501 head 01
501 | 501 head 05


This is our best-selling module, designed in 1996 to replace tents. It was created to be transported in standard 20' containers and assembled in less than 12 man-hours, without the use of mechanical equipment.

Since then, it has evolved continuously, becoming a one-of-a-kind module thanks to its simplicity of production, transport, and virtually universal use: from humanitarian emergencies to accommodation camps for mining and large construction projects, as well as hospitals, hotels, chalets, and countless other uses in both cold and hot climates, with configurations of one, two, or even three stories.

With thousands of modules produced over 30 years and continuously improved by our engineers, it is the ideal solution for those who want to rapidly set up turnkey large camps, even in extreme conditions of transport and destination, while ensuring safety, comfort, and reliability—a result of thirty years of tested production in every situation.


501 | dimension(1)


If need be, the shelters series “501” can be delivered fully assembled and duly provided with all necessary fittings, cables and pipes, ready to be connected to the mains on site.

Project completed

"OFF LEASH" Projects

The idea an itinerant museum project emerged from the affinity that united the creative paths and re…


Each temporary mobile camps includes all required personnel health and welfare arrangements, project…

Sinistra Destra


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