60 years of History
For EDILSIDER, 2023 marks an important landmark; 60 years of experience in the prefabricated industry.
LEGGI TUTTOFor EDILSIDER, 2023 marks an important landmark; 60 years of experience in the prefabricated industry.
LEGGI TUTTOThe EDILSIDER Group founded in Calolziocorte in Italy in 1963, boasts fifty years experience in the prefabricated metal modular construction industry and today occupies an important position at an int…
LEGGI TUTTOFor EDILSIDER, 2013 marks an important landmark; 50 years of experience in the prefabricated industry.
LEGGI TUTTOThe shelters series “501” are ideally suited for construction sites, construction camps and drilling camps, where they will be advantageously turned into offices, living accommodations, changing r…
LEGGI TUTTOLa serie "1001" è stata progettata per occupare il minor spazio possibile durante la spedizione: può essere imballata in moduli alti 650 mm (massimo) in modo che quattro unità possano occupare lo s…
LEGGI TUTTOThe shelter series “2001” was the very first to roll off the EDILSIDER manufacturing line and it is the result of more than 50 years of experience.
LEGGI TUTTOThe SIDERMAJOR and SIDERHALL insulated prefabricated modular buildings have been designed and tested by EDILSIDER over 50 years of experience around the world, from the hot climate of the Arab Emirate…
LEGGI TUTTOThe shelter series “GRAND DESERT” has been designed and manufactured to be used under harsh field conditions, which require reliability, sturdiness and resistance, such as in oil drilling camps, w…
LEGGI TUTTORealizzazione Ames Park di un Parcheggio Monopiano Modulare, 110 giorni di intervento, 10.000 mq per 950 posti auto.
LEGGI TUTTOAmes Park has been created to double the parking capacity of an existing area.
LEGGI TUTTOPer la creazione di questo progetto si è partiti dal concetto di Modular Housing, ampliando però il campo di studio e di ricerca, creando un concept applicabile sia alla residenza temporanea che al …
LEGGI TUTTOSupply prefabricated buildings for a 600-man camp including: 141.500 sqft of accomodations